Corporate (Online) Coaching Program

Team building diagram on chalkboard

“A 10% increase in productivity would likely double profits in most organizations.” Peter Drucker

Let’s face it, professional development in general and individual coaching specifically, can get expensive. As a business owner, corporate executive or association executive, you understand the need for the training and development of your staff – especially key employees but, how can you afford to make it happen?

At Outperformers International we’ve come up with the answer. Online Performance Coaching! Now, you have the opportunity to enroll every member of your management team in an online coaching program that will be available to them 24/7. They will be able to access performance improvement resources on their schedule – day or night – weekends – even when traveling.

Online Corporate Coaching Benefits:

  • Increase performance and productivity up to 50% in less than 30 days.
  • 24/7 access to some of the best performance improvement resources on the internet today
  • Daily/Weekly access to performance improvement resources
  • Recorded quarterly teleseminar or webinar – available when you have time to listen in
  • Phone consultation for advice or opinion Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm


Online Corporate Coaching Resources:

  • Weekly Blogs on Performance Improvement or Professional Development – and an an archive of dozens of blogs on a variety of topics.
  • Weekly Article – from Les Taylor with interesting and innovative ways to make your days and weeks more productive or on how to develop management and leadership skills
  • Resource Information on Performance Improvement or Professional Development from a variety of other respected resources like The Harvard Business Review and the Institute for Management Consulting
  • Quarterly 30-45 Minute Teleseminar 0r Webinar – Featured topic (time management – Problem Solving/Decision Making – Effective Communication) + open discussion
  • Phone or email availability when expert advice or a second opinion is needed.

This “Online Coaching Package” is available for up to twelve members of your organization for just $129.95/month. No other coaching program in the country can match this price.

In addition, both the blog posts and the weekly articles can be used as training materials for other members of your organization.

This program offers unmatched, quality and affordability:

Online performance improvement resources from a respected and trusted source – at a very affordable price. Click here for a look at slice of the subject matter offered in the  Corporate (Online) Coaching Program

Invest today in affordable, convenient and professional coaching for up to twelve members of your staff or your management team.

Improve your performance and productivity TODAY!
