Outperformers (Online) Coaching

“Coaching is about helping someone create a desired result through improved behavior and performance as mutually determined at the outset.” (Alan Weiss)

Coaching OnlineTo reach significantly higher levels of performance, income and discretionary time, you’ll need to dramatically change your behavior and plans of action.

One of the fastest ways you can improve your performance and productivity is through coaching. There are two reasons why this online coaching package will work for you; CONVENIENCE and AFFORDABILITY. The Outperformers (online) Coaching Package offers you the ability to access high-value content for performance improvement and professional development when it’s CONVENIENT for you. And it will be available to you online 24/7. This program will also provide you with a steady stream of performance improvement and professional development content – that you can take action on right away.

We all lead busy lives and as much as we understand the value of having a coach, it’s often difficult, and seldom convenient, to work a coaching session into our schedule. This coaching package solves that problem – now you have performance coaching available at your CONVENIENCE – when you have time.

Here’s a list of the BENEFITS of the Outperformers (On-Line) Coaching Package for only $29.95 a month:

  • Increase performance and productivity – as much as 50% in less than 30 days.
  • 24/7 access to some of the best performance improvement resources on the internet today
  • How to develop a one-page Outperformers Action Plan
  • How to use the Outperformers Action Plan for every aspect of your life
  • Webinars/Teleseminars – available when you have time to listen in



  • Weekly Blogs on Performance Improvement or Professional Development
  • Actionable “How To” articles improve your performance – or how to become a better manager or leader – delivered regularly.
  • Articles/Videos etc. From Various Credible Resources – delivered regularly
  • Webinars / Teleseminars – as developed
  • Phone Consultation with Les when you need a little personal advice or a second opinion.


CLICK HERE and take a look at the information available to you just on my Blog page. Look at the categories I write about and see if they’re not applicable to you and your career. I also have 93 articles you can access at http://www.ezinearticles.com.

Improve your performance and productivity TODAY!
